Monday, May 18, 2020

Analysis Of The Odyssey - 1311 Words

Isabelle Balaban Mrs. Williams Ninth Honors Literature 6 October 2015 PsychOdyssey Tolkien once said, â€Å"Living by faith includes the call to something greater than cowardly self-preservation†. In this quote he captures the very essence of heroism. Homer’s epic poem â€Å"The Odyssey† follows one man, Odysseus on his hero’s journaey home from the Trojan War. There is no question as to whether or not his quest follows the steps of the hero’s journey monomyth. The hero’s journey monomyth is the universal link in all tales of adventure. It contends that every hero follows a three-stage journey consisting of a departure, fulfillment, and return. Odysseus’ story fits perfectly into these three stages. He departs Calypso’s Island, fulfills his quest of returning to his native land, and returns to his palace to regain his role as leader. The controversy lies in whether the character of Odysseus truly merits the title of hero. Odysseus acts more in the fashion of someone pursuing coward ly self-preservation than a hero pursuing a greater good. He proves himself to be a cruel and sadistic serial killer against the Cyclops and his wife’s unfortunate suitors, selfish and immature in his conduct towards enemies, and the opposite of a hero, a coward when the gods put him to the ultimate test. Odysseus is many things but not a hero. Odysseus is a serial killer masquerading as a hero. He murders and tortures countless individuals without remorse. For example in his first test with an enemy,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Odyssey 1368 Words   |  6 PagesHolmes English H, period 3 11 November 2014 Hospitality: An analysis of xenia in The Odyssey William Shakespeare, in Timon Of Athens Act III Scene line 39 writes : I charge thee, invite them all: let in the tide of knaves once more; my cook and I ll provide† Shakespeare is explaining to his readers that he will invite everyone in and he will cook for them meaning that he will provide everything to his guests. 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As epic poems often do, the Odyssey describes the Greek view of many of these core archetypes. Odysseus being demonstrated as the hero shows us the Greek value of heroism through his wonderful feats, and his downfalls, his sheer prowess, but also his flaws. In the Greek society, as in any, it is clearly evident that the

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